The Chandigarh National Crafts Mela 2023 organizers will showcase modern and traditional exhibits at Manimajra Kalagram from 1 to 10 December 2023. The Northern Region Cultural Center and Department of Culture, Chandigarh, are organizing this year’s theme, ‘Mera Mati Mera Desh,’ and they will present it through a stunning Nagaland-inspired entrance. The North’s founding date will remain the same as December 1.
Cultural festival themed “Mera Mati Mera Desh”
Hari Calicut, the Minister of Culture for the Government of Chandigarh, shared his views at the meeting. He expressed confidence that the exhibition will be entertaining and cultural. much to the participants.
Showing various Indian cultural tapes
Gathering 1,000 folk artists from different countries, including famous artists, and 200 art stalls offering beautiful works of art, the theme of the festival is a vibrant celebration about the different cultures of India.
Shows starring local talent
The highlights include Lakhwinder Wadali, Indian Idol star Salman Ali, Maithili Thakur, Gulrez Akhtar, Maya Upadhyay from Uttarakhand and Naati king Kuldeep Sharma. On the first day, Santosh Nair and his famous team will present a unique artwork. It combines folk art and classical art. Local artists from the Chandigarh Sangeet Natak Akademi will reserve the evening for enthralling the audience, while performers will captivate them throughout the day.
Free entry for elementary school students
School children can enter for free before noon, as stated by Sorabh Arora, Chandigarh’s Director of Culture. They can enjoy cultural programs, quizzes, workshops, and other activities.
The first exhibition of stone-carved musical instruments
The main attraction of this year’s exhibition is the first display of 16 large stone-carved musical instruments made by the Patiala Cultural Center in the Northern District. The stadium will have a ‘Meri Mati Mera Desh’ theme. Experts, led by air artist Anup Giri, will bring it to life. read
Art awards and exhibitions
Like last year, selected artists will receive the Folk Art Awards on opening day. The Governor of Punjab and the Governor of Chandigarh announce this annual award. It shows their commitment to honouring and celebrating the contribution of folk arts. The Northern Region Cultural Center will host an exhibition that shows village life. The Lalitkara Academy in Chandigarh will organize a photography competition during the exhibition.
Gastronomic delights in Kalagram
At Kalagram, you can enjoy entertainment and try traditional food at the stalls. It’s a unique experience.
The Chandigarh National Crafts Mela 2023 will be a cultural celebration. It will bring together traditional and contemporary art for a memorable experience. For more information about the Tricity Events, visit NewsChandigarh.